Tuesday, April 23, 2024


Wednesday, April 24, 2024
huang jia qi ( 0371553 )
Task 1: Exercises 20% - Individual
Timeframe Week 01 – Week 04
Deadline Week 04Illustration and Visual Narrative / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media / Taylors University

Table of contents
3.Tutorial Assignments


Title: Principles of Character Design

When crafting characters, it's essential to harken back to the fundamentals of design principles and infuse them into your creations.

Shapes serve as the primary identifier distinguishing one character from another. Delve into the realm of possibilities by blending various intriguing shapes in your design, creating a unique visual identity.

Color plays a pivotal role in delineating and distinguishing the fundamental traits of heroes, villains, and supporting characters alike. Different hues evoke distinct emotions and foster relatability among viewers.

Emphasis, Contrast:
A well-crafted character amplifies emphasis and employs contrasting visual elements to ensure the design captivates attention. Strategic use of colors heightens these effects, resulting in a design that truly stands out.

Achieving harmony entails integrating shapes, lines, colors, motifs, and patterns in a manner that not only pleases the eye but also aligns with the character's narrative. Each element should seamlessly complement the overall design, enhancing its storytelling potential.

Expressions, Poses:
Clear visualization of your character's behaviors, quirks, and personalities facilitates a deeper connection with your audience. Thoughtfully crafting expressions and poses breathes life into your characters, making them more engaging and relatable.


This is my template information registration.

Tutorial Assignments

Week 2
Bezier Game result
fig 1.1 Bezier Game

Week 2
Vormator is the ultimate challenge of your creativity: the aim of project is to give each student the chance to show their ability to create a stunning piece with limited means.

fig 1.2 Vormator

Pathfinder tool and Rotate tool
- Pathfinder tool: Unite, Minus Front, Intersect, Divide, Exclude
- Creating overlay or shadow effects using the Multiply blending mode
- Rotating objects in certain degrees using Rotate tool (R)
- Duplicating objects (Ctrl/Cmd+D)


Vormator is the ultimate challenge of your creativity: the aim of project is to give each student the chance to show their ability to create a stunning piece with limited means.

Each person will get the exact same set of , the . With these shapes you are challenged to create your own unique design, within the limitations provided in the Rulebook. Designers are thus challenged to create a unique piece within a strict set of rules. It all comes down to pure skills and creativity in this project.

According to the homework requirements given by the teacher and the relevant graphics, I created my own role.

The sketch process

                                                  fig 1.3 Design ideas

Final design

Because I like jellyfish very much, I built the character of a monster based on jellyfish.

fig 1.4 Final design

week 4 :Light and Shadow
Chiaroscuro Exercise
- An Italian term which literally means 'light-dark'
- To study light and shadow of an object
- Applying skills and techniques learned in previous class (Pathfinder tool, Blending Mode, Knife tool, Pen tool, Simplify)

                                                                        fig 1.5 Homework exercises

fig 1.6 Homework exercises

fig 1.6 Homework exercises

Task 2: Pokemon Card Composition

Objective: Place your Vormator character into a Pokemon card composition, incorporating foreground, midground, and background elements. You may also create a new shape not bound by the vormator rules or shapes.
Tools to Use: Pathfinder, Shape Builder tool, Knife tool. You may also use other warping tools that will be introduced in the following weeks

fig1.7 Monster prototype

fig1.9 Pokemon card

fig1.10 Final design Pokemon card


At the teacher's suggestion, I simplified the background design, reduced the use of colors and patterns, and ensured that the background did not distract attention from the main content, but complemented the foreground elements. I ensured that all elements (text, images and borders) were correctly aligned and maintained margins and spacing, so as to improve the overall beauty and readability. I ensured that all elements (text, images and borders) were correctly aligned and maintained consistent margins and spacing, so as to improve the overall beauty and readability.

                                                 fig1.11 Final design Pokemon card

Attack: 80
Defense: 70
Special Attack: 90
Special Defense: 80
Speed: 60

Ability Ratings
Fear Intimidation: ★★★★☆
Toxin Control: ★★★★☆
Shadow Stealth: ★★★★☆
Mental Disruption: ★★★★☆
Life Drain: ★★★★☆

Sony, a Ghost/Poison type Pokémon, is known for its eerie appearance and powerful mental disruption abilities. Composed of void energy, it excels in lethal poison attacks and instilling fear. Sony's key abilities include Void Toxin, Eye of Terror, Shadow Sneak, Life Drain, and Mental Disruption. It is a formidable adversary, offering trainers a powerful ally in battle.

Chiaroscuro Exercises

                                                    fig1.12 Chiaroscuro Exercises

task2:  https://huangjiaqi0503.blogspot.com/2024/06/illustration-and-visual-narrative-task.html
Assignment 1 Fly Me To The Moon

For the animated album cover project, I chose the song "Fly Me to the Moon". The cover will be based on the theme of romantic space travel, and the storyline shows a pair of lovers dancing and landing on the moon in space. The foreground includes lovers, and the background is the moon and the starry sky. Illustrations and animations will contain exquisite fonts and delicate mobile effects to convey the sense of fantasy and adventure in the lyrics. The submission includes preliminary ideas and sketches, illustrations, and the final animated GIF.


故事 Pin 图图片
fig1.13 Refer to

fig1.14 Refer to
Preliminary inspiration

The iconic song Fly Me to the Moon served as the inspiration for this design, which aims to evoke a romantic and fantastical space voyage. A pair floating in the starry sky is depicted in the center of the image. Their cozy poses and organic postures represent tender love. The addition of aurora, nebula, and flashing stars to the background enhances the image's hierarchy. If you want to create a romantic and dreamy ambiance, use gentle gradient colors like pink and lavender. The couple's stunning and distinct lunar silhouette is encircled by tiny stars, which highlights the beautiful features. Vibrant colors and decorations in the foreground flowers below the image enhance the entire design. The narrative and dynamics of thedynamic features like balloons fluttering and meteors passing improve the scene. Put the words "Fly Me to the Moon" at the top or bottom of the image. Use Art Deco typefaces with glowing-effects to bring the whole thing together and create a distinctive, eye-catching design.


fig1.15 Sketch

After determining my own ideas, I began to digitize and try to draw it on the software.

                                                                                  fig1.16 Digitize

This is the preliminary finished product I completed according to the preliminary idea. I found the shortcomings in my observation of the picture and in-depth exploration, so I made the modification.

Final design

fig 1.17 
Final design

Final design

fig 1.17 
Final design

Concept of design

fig 1.18 The final process

This piece, which draws inspiration from the beloved song Fly Me to the Moon, attempts to convey a beautiful and surreal space voyage by fusing several forms of expression—music, art, and emotion. A couple sitting on Saturn, decked out in white flowers, and strumming a guitar forms the central motif of the piece. The entire image is filled with a vibrant, starry sky that is encircled by sparkling stars, creating a fantastical, cosmic environment.

The composition of the picture is meticulous and rich. Mercury, Saturn and other planets are connected by rainbow rings, which not only increases the sense of hierarchy of the picture, but also adds dynamic and interest to the overall design. In the animation design, couples will travel through space, pass through various planets, stop to play and sing, and finally fly to the moon. As the moon gradually enlarged, the couple's silhouette came into view, symbolizing that their love has reached a new height. In this process, rainbow-colored planetary rings will also be dynamically presented, further enhancing the visual impact.

I hope that through this design, it will not only show a romantic and fantastic cosmic adventure, but also convey the beauty and infinite possibilities of love. The whole work strives for perfection in color application, element layout and dynamic effects, aiming to make the audience feel a space journey full of surprise and emotion. In terms of visual and emotional aspects, the works strive to achieve a high-level artistic expression, so that the audience can immerse themselves in the wonderful world of music and love in the process of appreciation.

Design project description

Recommended art style

For this project, I chose the style of Pop Art. With its bright colors, unique patterns and playful expressions, Pop Art perfectly fits the dreamy and romantic theme of the song Fly Me to the Moon.


My design is unique and suitable. By combining romantic space travel with the art style of pop, I create a world full of fantasy and emotion. The couple's interstellar adventure not only highlights the theme of the song, but also gives the picture more story and visual impact.


I have shown solid basic skills in composition, illustration style and proposals. Through the color application and concise lines of pop art, the visual attraction of the work is enhanced, while maintaining the simplicity and freshness of the picture. Every detail is carefully designed to ensure the unity and beauty of the overall style.

Explanation - How to interpret a song as an illustration

Fly Me to the Moon is a song that expresses romance and dreams. I transformed this emotion into a visual expression by depicting the couple's journey in space. The design of the starry sky, planet and moon not only echoes the theme of "flying to the moon" in the song, but also shows the intimacy and romantic atmosphere between couples through details.

Storytelling - Does your proposal tell a story? Do you show emotion?

My proposal tells a romantic space travel story full of emotions. Couples travel between stars and stop to play and sing everywhere, showing their sweetness and romance. The dynamic rainbow-colored planetary rings and the flickering effect of the starry sky make the whole story more vivid. The couple's posture is naturally intimate, showing strong emotions, rather than a blank expression.

Requirements - Initial Storyline, Idea + Sket | Illustration | Final Animation GIF

Initial storyline

The couple decided to embark on a romantic space trip and fly to the moon. During the trip, they passed through different planets and stopped everywhere to enjoy each other's company and the beauty of music. On Saturn, they stopped to play and sing, enjoying the beauty of space and each other's existence. Finally, they reached the moon, and the moon gradually zoomed in, showing their silhouettes, symbolizing that their love had reached a new height.

Ideas + sketches
fig1.19 Sketch

The initial sketch depicts the scene of couples on different planets, with flashing stars and colorful planetary rings in the background. Each planet has unique decorations, such as the white flowers on Saturn.

                                                                            fig1.20  Digitize

The illustrations refine the details of each scene, increasing the hierarchy of the starry sky and the flashing effect of the stars. The couple's posture and expression have been adjusted to be more natural and intimate. In terms of color application, a soft gradient color is added to make the picture more dreamy.

Final animation GIF

Animated GIF enhances the expressiveness of the story through dynamic effects. The couple traveled through space, passing through Mercury and Saturn. The rainbow-colored planetary rings moved in the animation, and the couple's dress and hair swayed in the wind, and finally flew to the moon. The moon is enlarged, showing the silhouette of the couple. The whole process is full of movement and emotion, perfectly showing the romantic theme of the song Fly Me to the Moon.

Through these design elements and steps, I hope to not only convey the romantic feelings of the song, but also immerse the audience in this fantasy and emotional cosmic adventure through the expression of dynamics and colors.



During this course, I have gained a wealth of knowledge, particularly about various AI tools such as the pencil tool, pen tool, and utility knife. This learning has provided a solid foundation for performing tasks related to AI.


Before completing each homework assignment, I make it a point to watch the instructional videos sent by the teacher. These tutorials provide valuable guidance, helping me tackle assignments more effectively and reducing the number of issues I encounter. Despite being an online class, I appreciate the teacher's engaging teaching style. Although I joined the school late due to visa issues, I have been able to keep up with the coursework successfully.


I find this course very interesting. The homework assignments, while challenging for a beginner like me, enable us to learn real skills and abilities. I enjoy the learning process and look forward to applying the knowledge gained from this course in a professional setting.

Digital Photography & Imaging / Project 1

 April 22, 2024

Time frame Week 01 - Week 05

Deadline week 06

Huang Jiaqi/0371553

Bachelor of Typesetting/Creative Media Design


Table of the contents



3.Three of my favorite posters on the Internet



6.PROJECT 1B: Digital Collage review


8.PROJECT 1B - PART 2: Recoloring Black and White 




Week 1 / Introduction to Digital Photography and Imaging

In the first class of the course, our instructor gave us an overview of the whole learning process, including schedule, homework and things to do. In this lecture, we learned that the course will last for 40 weeks, a total of 400 hours, and will cover the topics of statistics and digital imaging. The instructor outlined the requirements and scoring criteria for each assignment, and how to complete these requirements and scoring criteria. They emphasized key aspects of the course, such as introducing electronic portfolios, composition, Photoshop tools, color correction, etc., as well as specific activities planned every week. Through this lecture, we have a clear understanding of the course, direction and necessary preparations for the upcoming learning journey.

1. Course overview:

The course includes 400 hours for 40 weeks, focusing on statistics and digital imaging.

- The coach is Australian and Mr. Baidu.

- Weekly activities and assignments will be published and discussed weekly.

2. Homework:

There are four assignments, and the first one contributes 60% of the results.

Projects include creating physical and digital collages, designing posters, and using Photoshop for image editing and operation.

The electronic portfolio is also part of the evaluation, contributing 10% of the level.

3. Weekly activities:

Weekly themes include electronic combination, composition, Photoshop tools, color correction, etc.

- Practical exercises include optimizing images, coloring photos, using brushes and correcting errors.

4. Photoshop skills:

- Photoshop skills are essential for image editing, collage, typesetting and creative expression.

- Tips for learning Photoshop include following tutorials on platforms such as Instagram for quick and concise learning.

5. Course focus:

The course combines photography (50%) and graphic design (50%) and provides a comprehensive skill set.

- Encourage students to regard themselves as photographers and graphic designers.

Overall, the course aims to enable students to master practical skills in digital imaging and graphic design, and use tools such as Photoshop to emphasize creativity and technical proficiency.

Week 2
1. Basic Composition
Focal point
A good composition should have a focal point that catches the viewer's eye and convey the main information to the viewers.
The Ultimate Guide to Composition - Part One: Just Say "No"keh | Fstoppers
fig 1.1

  fig 1.2

Scale is often used to help communicate hierarchy by drawing attention toward and away from certain elements

Positioning the elements used is important to create a balanced 'weight' in a composition

                                                                           fig 1.3
Appropriate white space is essential in a composition that creates a balanced composition and avoids too many elements that make the composition too messy.

fig 1.4

Rule of Thirds.

                                                                              fig 1.5

using two horizontal and two vertical lines. This imaginary grid yields nine parts with four intersection points.

fig 1.6

When you position the most important elements of your image at these intersection points, you produce a much more natural image. It is also suggested that any horizon is placed on either the top horizontal line or bottom horizontal line.

The three-point rule is one way:

Use natural and pleasing composition skills.

Creative use of negative space.

Create a dialogue between the topic and the background.

fig 1.7

Week 3:
Introduction to Photoshop 2
Selection, Layering
                                                                           fig 1.9
Tool Box

fig 1.10
Marquee Selection Tools

fig 1.11
Lasso Tool

How to Use the Lasso Tool

fig 1.12

The Lasso Tool allow you to draw and pinpoint specific areas of a document. 

When you click on the Lasso Tool from the Toolbar, you will see three different tool options: 

fig 1.13
  • Lasso 

  • Polygonal Lasso 

  • Magnetic Lasso

Pen Tool

How to Use the Pen Tool

The pen tool is the way that you add these points and the way you drag the tool as you create the points determines how they will look.

fig 1.14

Variation of Pen Tool

fig 1.15

How to Use the Pen Tool





How to use Layer in Photoshop

we can use each layer without affecting another one to make adjustments. 

fig 1.16


  1. Week4

    Introduction to Photoshop 3

    Adjustment Layer & Filters

    Adjustment Layer

    Adjustment Layer

    & Filters

    fig 1.17

    The Adjustment Layers in Photoshop are a group of a super useful, non-destructive image editing tools that add color and tonal adjustments to your image without permanently changing its pixels.

    fig 1.18

    Basic understanding of Adjustment Layer

    fig 1.19

    The Properties panel will allow you to modify your adjustment layer,

    which in turn will modify your image.


    fig 1.20

    The brightness slider is for adjusting the highlights in your image and the Contrast slider is for adjusting the shadows in your image.


    Levels modify the tonal values in an image by adjusting the levels of the shadows, midtones, and highlights. 

    3. CURVES
    Curves let you adjust as many points as you want throughout the entire tonal range of your image
    fig 1.21

    Exposure lets you adjust exposure levels with three sliders: Exposure, Offset and Gamma. 


    fig 1.22

    The Selective Color adjustment layer selectively modifies the amount of a primary color without modifying the other primary colors in your image


    Using filters to edit photos is an essential element of Adobe’s graphics editor. 


                                                                          fig 1.24



    1. How to use Adjustment Layer.


    1. Photo filter trick in Photoshop

    1. Photoshop filters



    Week 5: Basic Photography Shooting 

    Exposure in photography refers the amount of light that reaches your camera sensor or film is known as exposure in photography.

    The main parts of the camera: 

    1. Camera body:

    • Shutter

    • Image sensor

    • LCD screen

    1. Camera lens:

    • Aperture/ Iris

    Figure1.25 Exposure setting 

    1. IRIS: Iris and aperture work together to regulate how much light enters the lens.
    The following f-number sequence indicates the f-stop, which is used to measure iris/aperture: f/1, f/1.4, f/2, f/2.8, f/4, f/5.6, f/8, f/11, f/16, f/22, f/32.
    2. SHUTTER SPEED: The following shutter speeds are expressed in seconds: 1/1000, 1/500, 1/250, 1/125, 1/60, 1/30, 1/15, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1 s, 2 s, and 3 s.
    3. Camera ISO settings that are commonly used include: 100, 200, 400, 640, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400.
    4. The right lens Angle of view is affected by lens choice, given desired framing.

    Figure 4.2 IRIS                                     Figure 4.3 Shutter Speed 
    Figure1.26SO                                                    Figure 1.27Lens Perspective

    Focal Length: The distance, expressed in millimetres, between a camera lens's optical centre and its sensor is known as the focal length.

    Figure 1.28Focal Length

Information manual for digital photography and imaging modules


WEEK 1 Lecture: Introduction to Digital Photography and Imaging

Play the video of him creating physical collages as a tutorial for making collages.


3.Three of my favorite posters on the Internet

We were assigned to complete the following tasks in the first week and start our project 1 - physical collage design.

Task 1:

W1: Practical

- Introduction to Google Drive and Online Portfolio

- Create an electronic portfolio

1. Create your e-portfolio blog.

Example: https://averyongxuanting.blogspot.com/search/label/Digital%20Photography%20and%20Imaging

2. Sign up for Pinterest

3. List your 3 favorite graphic design compositions from Pinterest. Explain on your e-portfolio blog, why do you like these designs?

This is my first week of homework.

1 Create your electronic portfolio blog.


Electronic portfolio link:


2. RegisterPinterest



3. List your 3 favorite graphic design compositions from Pinterest. Explain on your e-portfolio blog, why do you like these designs?

Design #1:
fig 2.1 Favorite design


When I first laid eyes on this poster, I was captivated by its colors. The artwork boasts a striking contrast, both in terms of color and shape. Despite the vividness of the colors in the scene, they are harmoniously balanced throughout the composition.

Design #2:

fig 2.2 Favorite design

Description:In summary, the Hidden in the Dust and Smoke"。" poster employs clever use of color and shape contrast, balance, and harmony to create a visually engaging and memorable effect, capturing viewers' attention

Design #3:

fig 2.3 Favorite design

Description: Although bright and deep colors are used, they are cleverly combined into a harmonious palette. This color combination makes the poster eye-catching and balanced.


We are required to use the elements of the magazine for collage design.
In this collage assignment, I use fashion as the theme and combine feminism to express women's freedom
                                                             fig 2.4Physical typesetting

                                                             fig 2.5Physical typesetting

                                                             fig 2.6Physical typesetting

1 Confident Charisma:

This collage artwork showcases the perfect fusion of confidence and charm in women. Through vibrant and self-assured images, it presents the charisma and self-assurance women exude in different settings. From natural beauty to high-fashion flair, each image conveys an innate sense of power and confidence. This piece celebrates women's self-affirmation and inner beauty while also paying tribute to their strength and courage across various spheres of society.

2. Beauty of Freedom:

   The collage "Beauty of Freedom" captures the spirit of female liberation. Through diverse imagery and text, it showcases women's free expression and independent spirit in various settings, conveying their pursuit of freedom, vitality, and independence. This piece celebrates contemporary women's confidence and autonomy while reflecting their pursuit of freedom and equality. It serves as a reminder that men's rights should not supersede women's, advocating for gender equality and women's equal participation in political, economic, and social life.

​​​​3. Fashion Consumerism:
   This collage delves into the impact of contemporary fashion consumerism on women's lives. Through logos of fashion brands, photos of celebrities, and images of shopping scenes, it illustrates women's pursuit of fashion brands and consumer goods. The artwork integrates reflections on the phenomenon of consumerism, prompting viewers to contemplate their consumption behaviors and values. It also reflects the contemporary society's emphasis on external image and material pursuits.

The essence of women's liberation, the impact of fashion consumerism, and the perfect blend of confidence and charm collectively portray the contemporary woman's pursuit of autonomy, reflection on consumption behaviors, and display of strength and courage in life.


Combine modern architecture and natural elements (such as fish) to express the concept of harmoniouscoexistence between cities and nature in the future.
                                                   fig 2.7 PHYSICAL COLLAGE final review

                                                    fig 2.8 PHYSICAL COLLAGE final review

fig 2.9 PHYSICAL COLLAGE final review

6.PROJECT 1B: Digital Collage review

By integrating modern architecture and natural elements (such as fish), the concept of harmonious coexistence between the future city and nature is expressed. The modern red building in the picture symbolizes human scientific and technological progress and urban development, while the blue and green fish represent the vitality and vitality of nature, forming a contrast and unity.

                                fig 2.10 PROJECT 1B: Digital Collage review 

This design analysis gave me an in-depth understanding of how to create works of art with profound theme ideas and strong visual impact through the comprehensive use of themes, colors and composition. By combining modern architecture with natural elements, we can effectively express the concept of harmonious coexistence between cities and nature in the future, which is both artistic and profoundly symbolic.



  1. Follow the step-by-step video to edit it in photoshop: https://youtu.be/b6XqlUP-MUA

  2. Download the images here:


I know that I did not have the process at that time and did not take a screenshot in time, but I still continued to finish it step by step according to the teacher's video, noticed the important problems and learned how to P photos in a new environment.


fig 2.11

fig 2.12

fig 2.13 first outcome

Next is to use their own photos to complete this homework, pay special attention to is that a figure put on, the shadow is not the same, according to their own judgment and light to decide where the shadow is.


According to the overall tone of the environment, we have to adjust the overall tone of the character, so that he is not abrupt in this environment, we need to adjust the appropriate size, the reflection of the ground mapping to contrast with the original character, will be darker, which depends on the color of the floor itself to decide

8.PROJECT 1B - PART 2: Recoloring Black and White 

OBJECTIVE: Turn B&W photo into COLOUR photo

DOWNLOAD THE IMAGE HERE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iYbFpDqdTjdHzkBpLWLkFwPJut6N8ItA/view?usp=sharing
VIDEO TUTORIAL: https://youtu.be/DeGpKh6pMfk

PROJECT 1B - PART 2: Recoloring Black and White


According to the ppt and video sent by the teacher, I learned that when coloring a black and white photo, I should build new coatings one by one, apply the five features with the brush tool, then apply the color I want, and finally choose overlay in the coating to make the whole look more natural.

fig2.16 PROJECT 1B - PART 2: Recoloring Black and White Step

fig2.17 PROJECT 1B - PART 2: Recoloring Black and White Step
fig2.18 PROJECT 1B - PART 2: Recoloring Black and White Step
                                      fig2.19 PROJECT 1B - PART 2: Recoloring Black and White Step

                                         fig2.20 PROJECT 1B - PART 2: Recoloring Black and White Practice

                                         fig2.21 PROJECT 1B - PART 2: Recoloring Black and White Practice

                                         fig2.22 PROJECT 1B - PART 2: Recoloring Black and White Practice


Week3: The lecturer thinks that my collage homework is very good, and it would be better to add a picture frame to it.
week 4:I learned to combine modern architecture with natural elements (such as fish) to express the concept of harmonious coexistence between cities and nature in the future.
Understand how to symbolize human scientific and technological progress and urban development (red building) through picture elements, as well as the vitality and vitality of nature (blue and green fish)
week5: In the past week, I have taken a step closer to PS.
week 6:Then, Mr. Fauzi showed us how to complete the homework. He was very humorous and meticulous in class. He explained everything step by step to ensure everyone could follow along and make progress, which made me feel confident and comfortable.


huang jia qi ( 0371553 ) Task 1: Exercises 20% - Individual Timeframe Week 01 – Week 04 Deadline Week 04 Illustration and Visual Narrative /...