Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Final Compilation

Design principles Task 4-Final Compilation 

February 10,2024-March22,2024

10/3/2024- 22/3/2024 (week1-week7)

Huang jiaqi(0371553)

Design Principles / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media / Taylor's University 

Task 4: Final Compilation 

1 task1:Task1:Exploration

2 task 2:Task 2:Visual Analysis

3 task 3:Task 3:Design

final design:

<Huang jiaqi Bridging Equality task 3 Design >

What have I learnt in this module?

Learning design principles has enhanced my visual communication skills, including layout, color coordination, and graphic design, enabling me to create more appealing and user-friendly products. This process has also cultivated my creative thinking, helping me approach problem-solving in unique ways. Simultaneously, I have gained a deeper understanding of the importance of user experience, making my designs more user-centric. Studying design principles has further contributed to shaping and reinforcing brand identity while maintaining consistency. By emphasizing simplicity and clarity, I can ensure accurate information transmission. Throughout this journey, I've developed an aesthetic sense and heightened awareness of beauty and design quality. In summary, learning design principles has comprehensively elevated my design capabilities, enabling me to better meet user needs and brand requirements.

what did I enjoy the most ?

Learning design principles is a positive and challenging process. However, these challenges can be overcome by adopting positive learning methods, exchanging experiences with others and seeking help. In the process of overcoming these obstacles, scholars may understand and apply design principles more deeply, so as to improve their design ability. Generally speaking, challenges are part of the learning process, and overcoming these challenges can bring more benefits to personal professional development.

What did I not enjoy the most?

Learning design principles is a positive and challenging process. Some of these aspects that may cause discomfort include theoretical complexity, difficulty of application in practical projects, mismatch with personal aesthetics, and time pressure.

What have I learnt about myself through this module?

By learning the template of design principles, I have deepened my understanding of myself. First of all, I have a clearer understanding of my learning style and whether I am more inclined to visual learning. Secondly, I found some interest and curiosity in design and visual expression, because the template aroused my interest. Third, by explaining the aspects I don't like in my study, I have a deeper understanding of my way of dealing with challenges and attitude. In addition, by summarizing what I have learned, I have clarified my learning motivation and goals, and why I chose to learn design principles. Finally, through this process, I have cultivated the ability to reflect on my own learning process and more consciously understand my learning needs and advantages. This comprehensive self-awareness provides useful guidance for me to plan my learning route and improve my learning effect.

What has changed and what has not in my learning journey?

In my learning journey, the principles of research and design have brought some positive changes. First of all, my knowledge has been expanded and I have a deeper understanding of the design field. Secondly, I have honed my design skills, including layout, color coordination and graphic design. This has also changed my thinking mode, cultivated creative thinking, and improved my sensitivity to aesthetics. Summarizing my learning situation, I am more aware of my learning motivation, interests and preferred learning method.

Nevertheless, some aspects remain relatively unchanged. My strong motivation for learning persists and constantly pushes me forward. Throughout the learning process, the emphasis on core values such as aesthetics, creativity and user experience may always be consistent. The desire to learn still exists, which constantly pushes me to study knowledge more deeply. In general, the study of design principles has enriched my knowledge base, improved my skills, and deepened my understanding of design. At the same time, it prompts me to comprehensively review my learning motivation and core values, which may have a positive impact on my future study and professional development.

What could be improved in this module?

Introduce more diverse teaching methods to meet the learning styles of different students, improve the teaching effect, and improve the feedback mechanism between students and teachers, including regular evaluation and communication, to better understand students' needs, ensure that students can easily access rich learning resources, including textbooks, online materials and practical cases, promote deeper learning, increase practical opportunities, such as projects, case studies or practical applications, help students better transform theoretical knowledge into practical skills, regularly update the course content, reflect the latest industry development and design principles, and maintain the timeliness of the course.

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