Typography - Final Compilation and Reflection

故事 Pin 图图片Typography - All Final Submission Work

week1 -week14

HUANG JIAQI/ 0371553

Typography / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media

Typography - Final Compilation and Reflection


  1. Task 1 Typographical -Task 1-Exercise1&2 
  2. Task 2 - Typographic Exploration and Communication
  3. Task 3 - Type Design and Communication 
  4. Reflection 


Task 1 - Exercise 1: Type Expression

22 April 2024 - 26 May 2024 / Week 1- Week 5

FINAL Type Expressions
                                    Fig.  Figure 1.1 Final text expression, 13 May 2024

Fig. 1.2 Type Final design pdf, Week 4 (5/14/2024)

Fig.1.3Final Animated Type Expression "jump"Process- GIF, Week 4 (5/14/2024) 
Week 4 (5/14/2024)

JUMP as the final design.

Fig.  1.4  Final Animated Type Expression "jump" - GIF, Week 4 (5/14/2024) 
Week 4 (5/14/2024)

Fig. 1.5 Final Animated Type Expression "jump" - GIF, pdf Week 4 (5/14/2024) 
Week 4 (5/14/2024)

Task 1 - Exercise 2: Text Formatting 

22 April 2024 - 26 May 2024 / Week 1- Week 5

                                Fig. 1.6 Text formatting with kerning, Week 5 (21/5/2024)
     Fig. 1.7 Text formatting with kerning, Week 5 (21/5/2024)

                    Final Exercise 2: Text Formatting JPEG

Fig. 1.8  Final Text Formatting ( grids) - JPEG, Week 5 (21/5/2024)

                                           Fig. 1.9  Final Text Formatting ( grids) - JPEG, Week 5 (21/5/2024)
Font: Bembo Std (Roman, Italic, and Bold)
Point Size
-Body Text: 11 pt
- Heading: 
  - Main Title: 60 pt
  - Line spacing: 65 pt
  - Secondary Subtitle: 11 pt
- Body Text: 14.4 pt
Paragraph Spacing
- 14.4 pt

- Left align

Layout Analysis (Layout Analysis)


The main title "I AM HELVETICA" uses the Bembo Std Bold font of 60 pt.

The subtitle "by John Doe" uses the Bembo Std Italic font of 11 pt.


The text uses 11 pt Bembo Std Roman font.

The spacing is 14.4 pt, and the spacing between paragraphs is also 14.4 pt.

Photo description:

The picture description uses a 9 pt Bembo Std Italic font with a line spacing of 14.4 pt.

Alignment method:

The full text is aligned with the left, so that the text is neatly arranged on the left edge.

               Final Exercise 2: Text Formatting PDF

                           Fig. 1.10 Final Text Formatting (without grids) - pdf, Week 5 (21/5/2024)

                               Fig. 1.11 Final Text Formatting ( grids) - JPEG, Week 5 (21/5/2024)

Task 2 - Typographic Exploration & Communicaton

27 May 2024 - 09 June 2024 / Week 6 - Week 7

                   Final Typographic Exploration and Communication JPEG

                fig 2. 1Typographic Final Exploration and Communication  (without grids) - JPEG(6/6/2024)

         fig 2.2 Typographic Final Exploration and Communication  ( grids) - JPEG(6/6/2024)

Margins: 14 mm

Gutter: 10 mm

Bembo Std 
Font Bembo Std  
Type Size: 9 pt
Leading: 12 pt
Paragraph spacing: 12 pt
Characters per-line: 50 - 60 characters
Alignment: left justified

               Final Typographic Exploration and Communication PDF

       fig 2.3 Typographic Final Exploration and Communication  (without grids) - PDF(6/6/2024)

          fig 2.4 Typographic Final Exploration and Communication  ( grids) - pdf(6/6/2024)

TASK 3 / Type Design & Communication

 fig3.1 FontLab Screengrab(10/07/2024)

fig 3.2 Final Task3 Type Design and Communication,Ai jpg10/07/2024)

fig 3.3 Final Task3 Type Design and Communication,Ai pdf10/07/2024)

fig3.4 Final Task3Black a poster jpg10/07/2024)

fig 3.5 Final Task3Black Poster poster pdf10/07/2024)

fig 3.6 Final Task3 white poster jpg10/07/2024)

fig 3.7 Final Task3 white Poster poster pdf10/07/2024)


I've gone from being confused to having a deeper understanding of typography in the last 14 weeks. At first, I experienced a great deal of stress and worry when I observed my peers finishing their work and showcasing their computer management skills. But as time passed, I started to understand the fundamentals of typography. I discovered that typefaces are more than just apparent shapes—they also express the ideas and opinions of the designer. I discovered that many features in the typefaces made by other designers were painstakingly made. Additionally, I gained knowledge about article layout, including how to improve typesetting and distinguish between primary and subheadings. This training has greatly influenced the way I understand typography.
Typography requires meticulous attention to detail, especially when it comes to maintaining uniform stroke and angle patterns. I began off concentrating on making designs that were visually appealing, but as I got into typeface creation, I ran into a lot of difficulties. I came to understand that while designing a font family is an intricate and difficult undertaking, it is precisely this intricacy that gives the craft of typography such profound significance and worth.

Despite the fact that this course was really difficult for me,Miss LOW HSIN YIN and Mr. Vinod's patience and readiness to respond to my inquiries were very beneficial. I was able to reflect on my own work and learn from my colleagues' designs by appreciating their talents. Even though I occasionally struggle with English, I've been working hard to get better all the time. Not only has typography improved my visual sense, but it has also brought attention to how important attention to detail is in design. I've learned from this course that mastering the nuances of typography is crucial to honing your artistic judgment and design accuracy.


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